When I was a first year, I took General Chemistry, Biology, and Calculus. They all seemed like different classes and we learned about completely different things. When I was a second year, I took Physics, Anatomy, Organic Chemistry, and Physiology. I could sort of see how these classes tied in together. In physics while learning about pressure systems, we used the heart as an example. I saw how the two different subjects correlated with each other. This year,  I am taking Biochemistry, Advanced Physiology, Epidemiology, and took Microbiology over the summer and it all seems like one HUGE class. Everything I learn in these classes are meshing together which is kind of cool! I also find myself flipping through notes from my earlier classes to clarify something that I am learning now because it is like a continuation of that topic. I never really realized it but everything I learn one of my classes, whether it is this semester or one in the past,  is very valuable and  helpful for another. Although I know that the school sets up our classes this way on purpose, at this point in pharmacy school, it’s finally all coming together.





So there have been rumors that STLCOP will be getting a new building on campus. Those rumors are true! I was so excited when I saw the picture of the building. It’s going to be a six story building filled with more classrooms, labs, and study spaces! ( Is it sad that I am happy for more places to study?) It looks so exquisite! The only downside to this is that it won’t be completed for a while haha!


Check out more info on it by clicking this link! http://stlcop.edu/about/campusconstruction.html

In my Advanced Physiology class that I am taking this semester, we were broken off into groups and given a month to conduct our very own study. Since a lot of college students listen to music while studying, we were curious about how effective studying was while listening to music. Is it better to have some noise going on to keep a student awake while studying or is music too distracting?

For a month our test subjects were given simple math problems to do while listening to different tempos of piano music and were tested on both their accuracy and speed. These were our results:



Based on our data, we concluded that listening to music and doing well on homework and studying is variable among different people. Some people are able to perform better when it is completely quiet and others need background noise to focus. Since Hell week is coming up fast, you may want to reconsider whether or not you should put away your head phones or turn it up!  Based on our study, if you want to get an assignment done fast and are short on time,  listen to fast, upbeat music! But that does not mean that you will get a hundred on it…lol. Hope this was helpful and happy studying!

Yesterday I went to see STLCOP’s  “Play it Again, Sam”. It’s a hilarious and romantic play about a movie critic who tries to get back on his feet in the dating world while being coached by his imaginary hero after his wife leaves him. I really enjoyed this play and it was by far the funniest one that I have seen! I think that the actors did such a good job playing their roles! Go out and see it tomorrow or Saturday!


Cover image of the play

This year, I joined Student Pharmacist Association (SPA) and yesterday was my first SPA project with APhA-ASP. We worked at health booths set up out side the Pageant on Delmar Boulevard. At my booth, some other student pharmacists and I informed parents and children how to protect themselves from skin cancer and offered samples of sunscreens and lib balms with SPF.  It felt good to know that we were making a difference in the community.


Photo Credits to Kathyn Bui and Emily Shor

I know I already posted about St. Baldrick’s as a first year student but this year, it was extra exciting! STLCOP’s Kappa Psi hosted the annual event with St. Baldrick’s to support research for children cancer. We had a total of 32 shavees and we were able to raise approximately $2,340! Check out all those who dared to “brave the shave” and stand up against childhood cancers! IMG_4282 IMG_4289 IMG_4300 IMG_4310

See what you can do to help! Click here: http://www.stbaldricks.org/

STLCOP C.A.R.E.S is an annual community service project that STLCOP students take part in. On Saturday, groups of STLCOP students were assigned to sites all around St. Louis to help out in the community. This year for STLCOP C.A.R.E.S, I got to participate at a clinical site! I guess as a third year, officially being in the professional program means being able to practice pharmacy in the real world. There is a lot that I do not know yet but this event helped me see what the future holds!

I went to a Walgreen’s not too far from the school with a few other students. There, we greeted customers and invited them to the pharmacy to have their blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and BMI measured. Free health screenings; what a great deal for both parties! Our patients are able to check up on their health while we practice our skills. I have never done anything like this before in the previous years while here at STLCOP but hope to do it again next year!


Picture credit to Stephanie Tackett

Guess who has their white coats?!

Why me and my classmates do! This day has finally come. I remember being a senior in high school sitting at my desk and scrolling through pictures of the current 6th years receiving their white coats. Then during my first weeks of school here as a first year, I actually got to witness it. The whole ceremony seemed so epic. And now, I finally get to experience it myself. I am one step closer to becoming a pharmacist. Click the link below to see the awesome pictures! Congratulations everyone!

White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013
White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013
White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013
White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013White Coat Ceremony 2013

White Coat Ceremony 2013, a set by St. Louis College of Pharmacy on Flickr.

Photos by Colleen Krutewicz

Hi all,

I am back at STLCOP and completed the two days of professional orientation. I have learned a lot in these past two days and have also become CPR certified! We were taught about internships, what it means to be professional, the difference between a resume and a CV, the many types of pharmacy jobs, and proper CRP and choking prevention methods such as the Heimlich Maneuver. It was a great opportunity to learn about what is coming up ahead in the future and has motivated me to explore and see what I can be as a pharmacist.


Hi guys,

Summer is coming to a close and as sad as it is to have “chillaxing” and fun come to an end, I am pretty excited for the upcoming school year. To enter the professional phase at STLCOP, there are a number of things that need to be done: obtaining a pharmacy intern license (which is a long process of its own), updating your shots record, and buying professional clothing (I’m quite excited for a new wardrobe heehee). And then there are the less exciting chores of preparing for the school year like getting loans together and approved and purchasing those super expensive textbooks. Thankfully, there are good deals online for books:)

There are only a couple of days left before I have to return to St. Louis for the Professional Orientation. I’ll be sure to let you know guys know what I learned and how that goes! Until then, enjoy the remainder of summer because we’ll be hitting the books again before we know it!
