Hello readers! It’s that time of the year again- advocacy and outreach day at STLCOP!  This year, instead of staying in St. Louis and informing the community about the profession of pharmacy, I decided to go to Jefferson City and learn about the laws that affect pharmacy and to meet some of Missouri’s legislators.  Prior to this day, we had a meeting on what to expect and about how important it is that we as pharmacy students reach out to legislators and tell them about what our profession is and ways to improve healthcare for the state of Missouri.

On Wednesday, I woke up before the sun and hopped on charter buses and road-tripped on a two hour journey out to the capitol of Missouri, Jefferson C1ity.  I’m pretty sure I slept the whole way there. Once we arrived, we went to a nearby hotel and sat in a huge banquet room. I got to meet other pharmacy students from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and many speakers including legislators and pharmacists  spoke about the pharmacy profession and changes they would like to change. I learned a lot about how the law can affect pharmacy and the speeches made me see pharmacy in a different way. There was also a fun “pharmacy selfie contest” for everyone to participate in for a chance to win some money. We were served both breakfast and lunch during the speeches and afterwards we proceeded from the hotel to the capitol. To get there, we took a shortcut through the Harry S. Truman building. As you can see in the video, there were many escalators. When we got to the capitol building, we got a chance to tour the capitol as well as talk to legislators during an ice cream social. The pharmacy students from both schools were also offering health screenings in the capitol and handing out health brochures. It was a very educational and exciting day. This is something I want to do again next year.

photo of all the pharmacy students in front of the capitol


(The original video didn’t work so I had to make some video recording adjustments by re-recording with my iPod)

Piece of Cake


Hey there readers!
The warm weather has finally kicked in at last! I am so happy about this! The other day I decided to venture out into the Central West End again (I have been avoiding venturing out because it has been too cold to go anywhere) and noticed that THERE ARE CAKES EVERYWHERE!!! What are these? Where do they come from? My friends and I kept seeing these cakes all over town and even on campus! After doing a little research, I found out that these cakes are public arts meant to celebrate St. Louis’s 250th birthday and that there are 250 of them scattered throughout the city! Here are some pictures of some of the cakes that I have seen:)

The STLCOP cake!



The Chess cake!



The Basilica cake!



The Airport cake!



Click here to find out more: http://www.stl250.org/cake.aspx

What cakes have you seen? Comment below:)

As a third year student, I am taking a class called IPPE. For this class, we are assigned to a 6th year student and get a chance to visit their rotation sites throughout the week. I really enjoy this because I feel like I get to see what really goes on outside the classroom and how everything we learn at school is applied in the real world. While I was there, I went on rounds with my senior mentor and a medical team made up of doctors, medical students, and nurses. We visited multiple patients and the doctors talked to them about how they are doing and what to expect. Although I was familiar with some of the things they were discussing, there were still many things that I heard that I did not learn about yet. Overall, it was a very exciting site and I think that there are so many things that you get to see and learn in a hospital that you would never see in the classroom. 


My senior mentor going over a patient’s profile



The VA from the emergency side


Hello readers!

As you may have already heard, the student center will no longer exist on our campus! It has already been shut down and in the process of being torn down from the inside. Perhaps after we return from spring break, it won’t even be there anymore! Join me in my last visit and mini tour of the student center at the “Last Bash before the Blast” party:




It’s going to take a while before we get a new building but I’m excited! Are you?

Food Critic


Hello good readers! 

Guess what I have been doing? Eating out! I usually cook but recently, I have been feeling adventurous. On Valentine’s Day some of my good friends and I went out for Vietnamese food not too far from school. Afterwards, we went out for Ted Drewe’s for FROZEN CUSTARD! It was a very cold evening however Ted Drewe’s was so worth it.




Yesterday, we went out to an all you can eat SUSHI place downtown. I never had all you can eat sushi before and believe me, I ate all I could eat and more.



On Friday, I plan on going to eat at a Peruvian restaurant. It’s going to be great! Platos calientes, here I come 🙂




Hey guys! So another year has begun and I have completed my first week of classes for this semester. I am pretty excited about my classes even though first week is usually syllabus reviewing lol. I am taking pharmaceutics,  pathophysiology,  professional communication (speech), and IPPE where I will get the chance to shadow a sixth year on their rotations! I feel like this semester is going to be challenging but I am up for it. Hopefully I will have a better idea of what fields of pharmacy I am interested in this semester. Weee… can’t wait 😀

This year I want to start out awesome. I went through my closet, desk, drawers, and even under my bed and got ORGANIZED. I couldn’t believe how much extra space I created just by rearranging clothes and shifting around things in my room. I also am trying to stay ahead of schedule and keep on task when I am studying (that means no Youtube and Facebook haha). Well, okay I guess I will watch a video here and there but I really have reduced the amount of time I spend on off task activities. Baby steps is the key!

Well these were some of my new year resolutions. How about you? Let me know! Oh and I came across this quote the other day that made me happy:


Hey readers! I AM FINALLY DONE WITH FINALS! Time to go home again and I already planned out what I am going to do for the forty days off from school: a b s o l u t e l y   n o t h i n g. Just kidding. I have a bucket list of things. I hope you have exciting plans too!

So reflecting on this semester, I think this is one of my least challenging schedules. However, it was just as intense. But I found out that even though the classes may become more difficult, the students become more capable of the work. Next semester awaits new challenges but for now, time to rest!

Enjoy your time off and stay warm! 

Hello readers! It’s finals time again and it is dreadful as always. This year I have been studying at Wash U’s Becker Library until they kick me out at midnight and then returning to campus to study in the cafeteria until four in the morning. It’s been fun. Ah, the life of a college student…  remember to get some sleep! I know I often forget!

Words of motivation:

“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” ~ Conrad Hilton

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” ~ Thomas Edison

Do your best  and never give up! Good luck everyone with your finals!

one two

One of my friends is in STLCOP’s Royal Chorale and suggested that I go see it tonight. I am so glad that I did. This was my first time seeing a Royal Chorale performance and it was amazing! The concert was called An Evening of Multicultural Music and was conducted by Tristan Frampton.The singers sang in different languages from around the world and their voices were so beautiful. I learned a lot from this evening. My favorite song that I heard was A La Nanita Nana which is a Spanish Carol from the times of the Renaissance.

IMG_4563 IMG_4565 IMG_4568 IMG_4572 IMG_4576

After wards, desserts from around the world were served. They were delicious 🙂

Candy or Drugs?


Hello people! The other day I volunteered with Generation Rx at the St. Louis Science Center and it was amazing! We were there informing parents about drug prevention and played a couple of  games with children. It was great teaching them the difference between drugs and candy since many of them look so similar. I tried the games myself and it was actually pretty challenging!


Also, give the game a try! www.pillsvscandy.org